Just For Kix – Posted by: Jamie

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week’s question is from Jamie in Missouri…

Hey Kix,

I went to a Jason Aldean concert awhile back and it was great of course!  But, what I want to know is, who makes all the money on the t-shirt sales at concerts?  I stood in line forever to buy a Jason t-shirt – man, did they sell a ton of them that night!!!  Does Jason get to keep all that t-shirt money?    

Thanks for answering my question.


Kix's Response:

Good question, Jamie, and the short answer is, like most things in the music business, the artist gets to keep most of it but not all.

Depending on where Jason is playing, he will have to give up a percentage of those sales to the building and the people selling them, and, of course, like any business, there are expenses.   He’ll have to pay for the shirts and pay to have them printed.  

But, at the end of the day, for an artist like Jason, that’s a big piece of his income.  Even for artists getting started… a lot of times it means gas money, and, of course it’s great advertising. Nothing makes you feel better than knowing someone cares enough about your music to wear your t-shirt – it’s a big deal for us! So, thanks for asking, Jamie!  

Image: Broken Bow Records

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