Just For Kix – Posted by: Rachel

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…


This week's question is from Rachel in Missouri who writes…

Hi Kix,

I’d like to know how artists get paid from their cd and digital sales… And, is it different for both?

Thanks so much,

Kix's Response:

You got it, Rachel!  You are referring to what are known as mechanical royalties – actual sales of music.  Every time a CD is sold, the artist is paid a royalty, and how much that artist gets is negotiated with the record company before he or she signs their record deal.  Most artists probably get somewhere around a dollar for a CD.  But, the artist also gets paid for every download and that is also negotiated with the record company.

Obviously, if you're a new artist and the record company is spending a lot of money on you trying to make you famous, they will be keeping a larger percentage of that sale than if you are a well established artist with guaranteed sales.

Good question – hope that answers it for ya!

To submit your question for Ask Kix, email us here. For a limited time, those selected for the show will receive an Ambush at Dark Canyon prize pack autographed by Kix!

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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