Just For Kix – Posted by: Samantha

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Samantha who writes…

Dear Kix,

The first concert I ever went to was a Brooks & Dunn concert and I was three years old. You and Ronnie are what made me passionate about music and made me want to start singing. I'm 21 years old now and I've lived in Ohio my whole life. I get nervous before I go on stage and I've never sang anything country in front of a lot of people, but singing is something I know I was born to do.

Do you ever have stage fright? Also, how did you start writing songs? Was it easy or did you have to put in a lot of time to figure out what to say?


Kix's Response:

Well, thanks, Samantha… Are you sure you were three when you went to that show? I can’t be that old!

Okay, first question – Do I ever get stage fright? Well, if someone tells you they never get nervous before they go on stage, they’re lying! But, I think the best way to get over that is to start with a song you really love to sing and that won’t get you in trouble, even if the sound is screwed up or your mic isn't turned on or any of the things that can ruin your night on that first number.  Then, once you’ve settled in to your surroundings, you can get comfortable and have a great night!

Okay, now, to answer how I got started writing songs… Well, first off, I’m not sure writing songs is for everybody.  I see a lot of new artists who feel like they have to write what they sing. If you want to be a singer, the most important thing is to have a great song.  Now, I certainly don’t want to discourage you from writing though.  If something affects you seriously or puts tears in your eyes – whether it’s a love thing or something that happened in a movie – think about it and why it moved you and try and get to the heart of that emotion… See if there’s a title there, and then keep writing at it and see how it sings. Find the melody to go with that emotion…

And, I did have to put in a lot of time into it when I first got started. I still do! I came to Nashville with a lot of songs that my friends and family and people in clubs had told me were really good, but nobody wanted to record them. So, then I really studied the songs that were big hits at the time, how those rhymes were put together and how the melodies worked… and I learned a lot about how the greats did it and started trying to put my own spin on that.  Finally, I started having some success!

The composers in this town are the best the world and the competition is fierce, and if you want to make a living as a songwriter, it takes a lot more than talent, you have to work it really hard, but like my Dad used to say – nothing very good ever comes very easy!

Thanks for your question, Samantha, and good luck!!!


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