Just For Kix – Posted by: Corwin

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Corwin who writes…

Hi Kix,
My name is Corwin and I am a huge country music fan.  I live in Castor, Alberta, Canada and am always excited to attend country music concerts. My question is: Why is it that when the country tours like Blake Shelton's Ten Times Crazier Tour come to Canada we do not get the same opening acts like they do in the U.S.?

Thanks Kix! I enjoy listening to your show!  


Kix's Response:

Well, Corwin, there are a couple of things going on here…
First, I would say more times than not, you will get at least part of the show that happens in the U.S., but the promoters in Canada who book that part of the tour may have a different idea of who can sell the most tickets for the show up there, and if an act is smart, they will generally take that advise.

The Canadian part of the tour is generally at a different time as well, so the opening act may have other plans for that part of the year.

And, Canada likes for you to showcase Canadian talent – and there are plenty of great artists up there. They are played a lot on Canadian radio, and unfortunately, those artist may not be getting the same airplay in the U.S., so fans down here probably haven’t heard of them. So, it usually makes more sense to bring a more familiar act for the U.S. audience.

I know from years of playing up there though that you guys are great country music fans, and I think I can speak for pretty much all touring artists in saying thanks for coming out and bringing such a good party with ya!

It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if you could make it a little easier to get a tour bus across the border! Just saying…



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Image: Warner Music Nashville

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