Just For Kix – Posted by: David

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from David who asked…

Hey Kix,

I was wondering of all the things you’ve accomplished in your life thus far what are you most proud of.



Kix's Response:

Thanks for your question, Dave, and I guess it’s not really fair to take credit for their lives, but I’m really proud of the way both my kids have turned out!  I’d like to think I had a little something to do with it – it would have been easy for my kids to get the wrong idea of how the world turns I think when life has been as blessed as mine as been – but, they both work hard and have always had jobs and made their own money!

And, I’ve got to say – I have no regrets of being on the road so much when they were young. Ronnie and I always made a point to try and be home during the week for our families. We made a point to take care of what homework we understood and coach soccer and stuff like that!

Anyway, they say if you screw up raising your kids, nothing else you do really matters, and I believe that!

Thanks for your question David!


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