Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? – Patty’s Story

This is where YOU tell us YOUR love stories! You know, like how you met your honey… how you found true love after all this time… or maybe even how you finally got back together with the one that got away. You get the idea – whatever your “happily ever after” is, we wanna hear it!!!


This week’s story comes from Patty who writes…


Dear Kix,

How’s this for a love story?! My husband and I met on March 12th, 1992, and just one week later, we got married! Yep!!! We knew it was right from the moment we met!  I had decided to skip class one day and went to a friend’s house. While I was there, my soon-to-be hubby, and some of his friends, showed up. We all decided to go out that night, and a few games of pool, a few dances, and one long conversation later… we knew we were meant to be!

Now, 23 years later, we are still married – doing better than ever – and have four kids and one grandchild!  What’s funny is that on that fateful night, so many years ago, I remember that while we were dancing, all I kept thinking was “Are you going to kiss me or not?”  Needless to say, I love that song, and every time I hear it, it takes me right back to that night.

Thank you, Kix!!!


Kix’s Response:

Well, Patty, shooting pool is a very sexy bar game… it starts a lot of very meaningful conversations!!! And, 23 years later and four kids? Well, there you go!

And, you might have been wondering when he was going to make his move, but I gotta tell you, we count on you girls to encourage us you know – sometimes you might just have to come out and say it…




Share Your Love Story with Us

Alright, now it’s your turn. Tell us your long lost love story or whatever kind of romance nonsense tale you got! Feel free to include pictures of you and your sweetheart, too. Send us a message on Facebook or email us at American Country Countdown.


Image: gubgib/

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