The Song Remembers When: Brett Eldredge – “Don’t Ya”

We take you behind the scenes and explore the making of one of our favorite tunes with The Song Remembers When…


In 2013, Brett Eldredge reached number one for the first time with his song “Don’t Ya.” It was co-written by Brett, and songwriters Ashley Gorley and Chris DeStefano.

Days prior to writing this song, Brett was playing a fair in Wisconsin. He saw a young girl in the crowd who was watching the show, but when he made eye contact with her she looked away. That memory stuck with him. It made him think about how girls act like they don’t know what they’re doing, but in reality, they do. Its a little flirtation dance. So, he took that idea to his writing session.

The song was his second single off his debut album, Bring You Back, and it was his first number one.

Here’s this week’s The Song Remembers When – Brett Eldredge and “Don’t Ya.”