Hero of the Week: Carter Vasquez

Image courtesy of Annette Vasquez

Throughout the week, our ACC Team searches through emails and news articles looking for someone who deserves to be the Hero of the Week… Find out how you can nominate a Hero of the Week at the bottom of the page.

Annette Vasquez, from Pennsylvania, wrote in to nominate her 13-year-old son Carter. She writes:

Dear Kix,

Back in 2016, my son Carter wrote a letter to Santa and told him that he didn’t need anything for Christmas but that the children in the hospital at the Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Center did need presents. That was the catalyst for a gift drive for the children’s hospital that year. Carter said that if he were in the hospital, he would want a stuffed animal to snuggle. So, we bought up a lot of stuffed animals that year and made a donation.

Now, six years later, his gift drive is bigger than ever. He writes letters to family, friends, the community, and our church family asking them to chip in every year. This December, Carter reached out again, asking everyone to help him reach his goal of two thousand dollars’ worth of stuffed animals, toys, and gift cards for the children’s hospital. He has already surpassed that goal!


Kix’s Response:

Wow! Carter Vasquez, we are happy to call you this week’s ACC Hero! Merry Christmas, buddy, and thank you for making a lot of kids smile this holiday season!

Nominate a Hero of the Week

Now, we want to know who has made a difference in your life. Nominate a local firefighter, police officer, EMT or someone who is serving our country in the military. It could even be a neighbor, family member or friend who lent a crucial helping hand. Let us know all about the person who you feel is a real life hero by emailing us here and please feel free to send us a picture!