Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? – Tracy’s Story

This is where YOU tell us YOUR love stories!  You know, like how you met your honey… how you found true love after all this time… or maybe even how you finally got back together with the one that got away.  You get the idea – whatever your "happily ever after" is, we wanna hear it!!!

This week’s story is from Tracy in Mississippi who writes…

Hey Kix,

This is the "Cliff Notes" version of mine and my wife’s true love story.  Our lives collided in Tennessee in the 7th grade when both of our single mothers had moved to Brownsville.  We became very good friends, but because of custody issues with the parents, she was back and forth to Arkansas and I was back and forth to Pennsylvania.  Then, my mother dropped the bomb – I had to move permanently to Pennsylvania with my dad!  I had two days notice and I was gone!  This was before cell phones and internet so we didn’t see or come in contact with each other for 30 years!!!  

Then, a few years ago, I hooked up with some of my Tennessee guitar buddies and I ended up getting a friend request from HER!!!  Well, after months of hours-long phone calls every night and numerous flights between Gulfport, where she lived, and Pittsburgh, where I lived, I couldn’t take it anymore!  She flew to Pittsburgh and I ASKED!  We’ve been married three years now.  

By the way, I catch your show on Sunday mornings when I go to pick up the paper.  I love the music!




Alright, now it's your turn.  Tell us your long lost love story or whatever kind of romance nonsense tale you got! Feel free to include pictures of you and your sweetheart, too.  Send us a message on Facebook or email us at American Country Countdown.

Image: gubgib/

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