Just For Kix – Posted by: Ricky

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week’s question is from Ricky in South Carolina…

Hey Kix –

Just curious, why doesn’t every artist record a Christmas song or album?  I love Christmas music and I love hearing my favorite singers sing them!


Kix's Response:

Well, Ricky, like a lot of things in this world, unfortunately, Christmas projects are somewhat driven by economics because as great as Christmas music is, it still costs the same to produce and the “Christmas Season,” when that music sells, only last a few weeks.  It does happen every year, but most labels like to wait until an act is established so that they know folks will want it year after year.  

I'm afraid that's not a very warm fuzzy answer, but once acts get to rolling, they don’t think about that stuff. They just throw up some Christmas lights, pick their favorite Christmas songs, and let the jingle jingle begin!   I’m like you though, Ricky, I love Christmas music, too!

Image courtesy of Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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