Just For Kix – Posted by: Greg

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Greg in New York who writes…

Hi Kix,

I am graduating in May with my Master's Degree in Business Marketing and I am a huge country music fan. I would love to be able to use my degree in Nashville, not to write songs or sing, but on the business end. How does a person get into the industry and where can I find those job postings?

Thanks so much,

Kix's Response:

Greg, I’m not sure about postings for those kinds of jobs… I don’t personally know of anyone who got their start that way.  I do know that a lot of it comes with beating the streets and getting to know people like any other business.

Nashville is a growing city with a lot of exciting opportunities and if being in the country music business is what you really want to do, it might take a real commitment, just like songwriters and singers make, meaning that you might just have to move here and get a job doing something that may not be your dream job while you figure out how to be a part of this community. Most all of us did that.

It’s not always easy, quite the contrary, but it can be very rewarding if working in country music is in fact your dream!  Good luck!


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