Kidde Hero of the Week: Juan Dominguez and the Town of Temecula, CA

The Hero of the Week is brought to you by Kidde Worry-Free Alarms… Be a safety hero for your family. Begin by replacing outdated smoke alarms. Learn other simple steps at Kidde – Technology that saves lives. Find out how you can nominate a "Hero of the Week" at the bottom of the page.


Our Kidde Hero of the Week spotlights Juan Dominguez and the town of Temecula, California.

Recently, on The Week, Kix read about how the town of Temecula, California made an impact on the live of a soldier and wanted to share it with you!

Marine Corporal Juan Dominguez was serving in Afghanistan in 2010 when he stepped on an IED and in a blink of an eye, Juan became a triple amputee. In honor of Juan and his sacrifice to our country, the town of Temecula, California decided to take it upon themselves to throw Juan and the love of his life Alexis the wedding of their dreams!

Through an estimated 30 thousand dollars worth of donations, the town gifted the couple with everything from the flowers to the photographer to the cake. And, the best part of all? On April 27th, 2013, Juan was able to walk down the aisle with his bride. Juan told The Week, "Did I ever think I was going to get to this point? Yes, yes I did. Because nothing's changed. I'm a little bit shorter. I lost a couple legs and an arm but my brain's still here, my heart's still here."

Watch as Juan and Alexis share their story:

Juan is a hero and the people of Temecula are heroes, as well! Here at ACC, we can’t say enough about our public servants – fire fighters, police officers, medics and more – right here at home… Thank you so much for all you do!


Nominate a Hero of the Week

Now, we want to know who has made a difference in your life. Nominate a local firefighter, police officer, EMT or someone who is serving our country in the military. It could even be a neighbor, family member or friend who lent a crucial helping hand. Let us know all about the person who you feel is a real life hero by emailing us here and please feel free to send us a picture!