Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? – Amanda’s Story

This is where YOU tell us YOUR love stories!  You know, like how you met your honey… how you found true love after all this time… or maybe even how you finally got back together with the one that got away.  You get the idea – whatever your "happily ever after" is, we wanna hear it!!!


This week’s story is from Amanda in Indiana who writes…

Dear Kix,
I'd like to tell you about my husband Josh and me. Our love story began in March of 2010, at a little place you may have heard of, Eight Second Saloon.

My friend and I went to a Jake Owen concert there. I decided at the last minute to go, and I'm so glad I did! Amongst the sea of cowboy boots and hats, one guy stood out. So, I went and introduced myself. We spent the entire concert by each other’s side. He called me the next day, and two weeks later, we had our first official date!

We married in December 2011, and, of course, played Jake Owen at our wedding! And, now… we have twins on the way!

I feel so fortunate to have found the love of my life – he is a wonderful man! And to think I almost didn't go to that concert… it just goes to show that you never know how one decision can impact the rest of your life!

Thanks to Jake Owen! And, thank YOU, Kix, for the opportunity to share my story!



Share Your Love Story with Us

Alright, now it's your turn.  Tell us your long lost love story or whatever kind of romance nonsense tale you got! Feel free to include pictures of you and your sweetheart, too.  Send us a message on Facebook or email us at American Country Countdown.


Image: Amanda

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