Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? – Veronica’s Story

This is where YOU tell us YOUR love stories!  You know, like how you met your honey… how you found true love after all this time… or maybe even how you finally got back together with the one that got away.  You get the idea – whatever your "happily ever after" is, we wanna hear it!!!


This week’s story is from Veronica in Maryland.  She writes…

Hey Kix!

I met my now husband, Tom, in 2009 when we were both homeless and living in a shelter. I had no clue he liked me, but that Christmas Eve, a friend of mine told me that Tom did really liked me.  I was shocked, and I marched inside and asked him why he didn't just tell me himself?  To which he replied that he had been throwing hints at me for a while and I just must not have gotten ‘em.  Regardless, we worked it out and we started dating.  And, two years later were married on July 8th.

When we got married there were a lot of people who said it was never going to work. Well, Kix, its 2014 and Tom and I are still together and still going strong!  And, no matter what struggles we may encounter, we were both raised on the theories: work with what little you have and fight to keep you family together no matter what! And that's what we're doing.

Nowadays, the naysayers are quiet.  I think they’ve seen we’re not going to let anyone put asunder because we vowed divorce will never be an option!

Thanks for letting me tell our story, Kix.  Tom and I were destined to be together and I couldn’t be happier!


Kix's Response:

Thanks, Veronica. I’m sending your story to Donald Trump so he can take notes. Even in a homeless shelter sounds likes you guys were proving you can make a home… I hope everything good comes your way and good luck to you two!

Thanks for listening!


Share Your Love Story with Us

Alright, now it's your turn.  Tell us your long lost love story or whatever kind of romance nonsense tale you got! Feel free to include pictures of you and your sweetheart, too.  Send us a message on Facebook or email us at American Country Countdown.


Image: gubgib/

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