Just For Kix – Posted by: Carl

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Carl who writes…

Hi Kix,

I enjoy your music and the Countdown!

I'm a 3rd grade teacher and this past summer, I filmed a movie called Reckoning.  I'm still editing it but was wondering how I'd go about getting the rights to some of my favorite music to put into the movie.  I wasn’t sure how that worked and I’m assuming it’s very expensive.  Could you explain the process?  I know you’ve made some movies.

Thanks, Kix!


Kix's Response:

Carl, just send me a suitcase full of small unmarked bills and we’ll call it even. Just kidding!

Licensing songs in movies is a pretty complicated process which I don’t have time to get into – as far as all the details of that process, but people ask all the time, “What do song publishers do?” and that is one of the things they do.

So, Google the song or songs you want to use in your movie. Find out who the publisher is and contact them. They will be able to answer your question better because it will depend on whether you are going to put your movie in theaters or Netflix or HBO or on DVD in Wal-Mart – all those licensees cost different amounts, so you’ll have to decide how to release your movie first. Then, the publisher will be able to provide you with the information you need in regards to how much that will cost.  

Hope that helps!  Thanks for your question, Carl! Good luck with your movie!


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