Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? – Kyndra and Kyle’s Story

This is where YOU tell us YOUR love stories!  You know, like how you met your honey… how you found true love after all this time… or maybe even how you finally got back together with the one that got away.  You get the idea – whatever your "happily ever after" is, we wanna hear it!!!


This week’s story is from Kyndra and Kyle.  She emailed us and wrote…

Dear Kix,

I'll start off by saying that I'm happily engaged to the man of my dreams. He's my best friend and I am so blessed to know him. But, he totally had to claw his way out of the friend-zone to get to where we are now.

When we met at school I thought he was a total jerk. He was as country as they come and a little big-headed for me. Eventually though, we became good friends and he wound up telling me that his feelings went beyond just friendship. So, I put him in his place real quick.

Well, I ended up having a pretty good case of "foot in mouth" syndrome… because, just a few weeks later, after a long night of talking, I said seven little words that changed the course of our history: "Are you gonna kiss me or not?" Hence, my laughter when I heard the title of this story submission thing on the radio.

Well, he did kiss me, and here we are, happy and in love almost two years later. Thanks for letting us tell our story.

God Bless,
Kyndra and Kyle

Kix's Response:

Wow, now that’s a love story, isn’t it? Let’s see… this big-headed, country as they come, total jerk is the man of your dreams? It sounds like maybe your dude just didn’t have the whole intro together, but it looks like the song is playing pretty well. Hey, give us a chance, girls – sometimes it just takes us a minute to find our groove!


Share Your Love Story with Us

Alright, now it's your turn.  Tell us your long lost love story or whatever kind of romance nonsense tale you got! Feel free to include pictures of you and your sweetheart, too.  Send us a message on Facebook or email us at American Country Countdown.


Image courtesy of zirconicusso /

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