Just For Kix – Posted by: Frankie

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Frankie who writes…


Hey Kix,

I am a young guy from Tracy, California and have loved country music my whole life. My dream has always been to one day be a country star because I think I'd be a really great performer and I want to be an example for the younger generations; however, I don't know how to play a guitar, and I was wondering if that will hinder my chances of achieving my dream.

I also feel like I am a very talented writer but don’t know how to get my work in front of the big guys.

I'd really appreciate your advice and expertise.

Thanks, Kix!


Kix's Response:

Well, Frankie, I’d say as a rule, especially if you’re a writer, you’ve always got a hand up if you can play an instrument – that way you can play writers nights and work on melodies and play your songs for friends any time you want to.  I would suggest you get a guitar and learn how to play it. You can do it, and its fun no matter what happens with your career.

As far as getting your work in front of the big guys, everybody has a different story of how we got going in this business, but the thing that seems to be the common denominator is that it takes a lot of writing, singing, hanging out in music places, meeting people, and, of course, having a hit song.  The last thing you want to do is have your chance in front of one of those “big guys,” as you call ‘em, and not have a great song to play.

So, the most important thing for you would be to jump on in and work hard. Find out just how stiff the competition is because these cats around here are some writing, singing son of a guns and if you’re swimming in the big pond and you’re that good – the big guys will find YOU!

Thanks for your question, Frankie, and good luck to you! 


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