Just For Kix – Posted by: Dena

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Dena who asked…

Hey Kix!

I love your show all the way up here in Calgary!

I have always wondered if you and Garth were related. Do people ask you that a lot?



Kix's Response:

Haha – yes, Garth is my first cousin! Just kidding!

Garth and I kid around about this every time we get together…

Most people don’t know, but I was actually signed to Capitol Records back in 1989 and Garth was signed shortly thereafter and he told me he actually considered changing his name so we wouldn’t get confused.

Well, not much happened with my solo career back then and I met this guy named Ronnie Dunn and started a duo and Garth said, 'What the heck – I think I’ll just keep my name,' and it worked out pretty good for both of us I’d say, but, to answer your question, we’re not related but we are friends.
And, just for fun, there was actually another Brooks who came on the scene about the same time – Doug Brooks, actually. He had a big song called "I'd Be Better Off (In a Pine Box)” after he changed his name to Doug Stone.

Thanks for your question, Dena!


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Image: Garth Brooks

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