The Hero of the Week is brought to you by Kidde Worry-Free Alarms… Be a safety hero for your family. Begin by replacing outdated smoke alarms. Learn other simple steps at Kidde – Technology that saves lives. Find out how you can nominate a “Hero of the Week” at the bottom of the page.
Throughout the week, our ACC Team searches through emails and news articles looking for someone who deserves to be the Kidde Hero of the Week…
This week, we shine a light on 20-year-old Matthew Bilodeau.
Matthew interviews the homeless in L.A. for his YouTube channel, and he offers to buy them lunch for their time. One day, he met Jason Stevens, who is a 36-year-old mechanic from Texas. Jason had moved to L.A. to work for an auto parts dealer, but he didn’t get the job and then wound up pan-handling.
Jason then began to help out other homeless folks… One time giving away the only money he had – seven dollars – to a man and his dog who had nothing. Well, when Matthew found out that Jason was trying to get back to Texas. He knew he had to help! He called Jason’s old workplace in Texas and found out that he had been a great employee.
So, Matthew tracked Jason down to offer him a bus ticket back home to Texas. Jason is now back home and back at work. And, the two men stay in touch.
Matthew says that you should never judge someone down on their luck – you have no idea what their circumstances are.
So, this time around, our Kidde Hero of the Week is Matthew Bilodeau – making a difference one story at a time!
Kix’s Response:
Isn’t that good to hear?! Man, I think a lot of young people who grow up with the technology, really don’t look up from their phones long enough to take time to get to know someone, especially someone down on their luck…
So, Matthew, good for you! You’re not only doing great work, but hopefully inspiring people around the country who hear this.
Find out more about Matthew and his work with the homeless, here. Plus, you can watch his conversation with Jason.
Nominate a Hero of the Week
Now, we want to know who has made a difference in your life. Nominate a local firefighter, police officer, EMT or someone who is serving our country in the military. It could even be a neighbor, family member or friend who lent a crucial helping hand. Let us know all about the person who you feel is a real life hero by emailing us here and please feel free to send us a picture!