Just For Kix: Posted by – Kyle

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Kyle who asked…

Hey Kix,

I am a big fan of the show. I listen to it every Sunday and finally decided to ask you a question that has been on my mind for some time.

I am a recent college grad with a respectable degree but I have always had a passion for country music. Unfortunately, I am not as vocally inclined as the chart-toppers I listen to on your show.

My question is: What facets could an individual like me explore to pursue a career in country music?



Kix's Response:

Thanks for your question, Kyle!

I would suggest you pursue your passion. What is it you really WANT to do?

Obviously if you’re not a singer, there are lots of other things that you could get involved in, but I’d need a little more info…

Do you want to be on the road? There are all sorts of things to do from t-shirt sales to sound and lights.

If you’re interested managing careers, you could start by helping some local acts. It’s a great way to find out how difficult a career can be. You could learn about advertising and working with club owners and agents, etc.

Are you interested in recording? There are jobs ranging from studio engineers to studio managers. Again, anything you can do on the local level to learn or see if it’s your thing is helpful before going to another city and starving to death while you're figuring it out.

It’s a fun business, but there’s nothing easy about it – you've got to love it!!!


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