Just For Kix – Posted by: Steve

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Steve who writes…

Hey Kix,

I write lyrics and was wondering how I should go about getting someone to look at them to see if they’re good enough to record. Do they have to be put to music?  When do you get with a publisher?

Thanks, Kix!  I’m a huge fan!

Kix's Response:

Thanks for your letter, Steve.

Well, I guess lyrics with no music are technically poems – and I’m really not trying to be a smart aleck – but they would not really be considered songs or taken seriously by a publisher until you find the music that goes with them. I mean, think about Bernie Taupin's words without Elton John's music – he’s a great lyricist but only because he found a great musician that understood how those words could sound. If you just read the words to "Rocket Man," you might not be so inspired…

So, my advice would be to find someone locally wherever you are that plays the kind of music you like or would imagine what might go with your songs and approach them. See if they have any interest in co-writing. Let them see your work and, who knows, maybe you'll get a partnership going. It should be 50/50 – don’t get in a situation where you start arguing over who did what… I’ve seen that destroy a lot of creativity.

And then, if you can come up with the music that goes with the songs, you demo them and maybe your musical partner can perform those songs or even has a band that can help record them.

At that point you're in the same boat as everyone else… a publisher can help you get your song recorded if it’s good enough and fits into what’s on the radio. But, there are a lot of great writers doing the same thing here in town – so, welcome to the jungle!!!

It’s fun but a really tough way to make a living. The publisher is probably the last part of the puzzle. You need to write some hits first.

Good luck, Steve – you’ve got to love it!!!


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