Just For Kix – Posted by: Kent

Ask Kix…Everything you wanna know about country music! Our listeners submit their questions about country music and Kix will answer…

This week's question is from Kent who writes…

Dear Mr. Brooks,
I wish someone had recorded Dale Earnhardt throwing you in the ocean after you caught a marlin. I heard that story recently on the Spike channel show. Which music video did Dale appear in with you and Ronnie Dunn?    

Thanks for your show!  I love it!


Kix's Response:

I can tell you were a big fan of the man in black who drove that #3 car – and I sure was too. I really miss him!

For those of you who haven’t heard the whole story, Dale threw me overboard in shark infested waters one day to celebrate the fact that I had caught my first Marlin and just as a little joke took off and left me treading water out there for a while…

The music video Dale did with us was called “Honky Tonk Truth” and we both played guitar in the same shirt and it cuts back and forth so fast that it’s not until the end of the song that you realize it’s Dale and me, not just me.

No matter what you thought of his driving, he was one of the most heartfelt and giving individuals I’ve ever had the honor of knowing.

Thanks for your question, Kent.


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