Category Archives: Hero of the Week

Kidde Hero of the Week: Beck Garnett

Kidde Hero of the Week: Beck Garnett

A Boy Scout has raised more than a hundred thousand dollars over the past seven years to help scouts who are less fortunate… This impressive teen is our Hero. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Jaret Hucks

Kidde Hero of the Week: Jaret Hucks

When flooding forced people out of their homes, a local hotel owner opened his business to those in need. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Sergeant Ron Helus

Kidde Hero of the Week: Sergeant Ron Helus

This week’s Hero is Sergeant Ron Helus, who lost his life saving others during the Borderline nightclub shootings in Southern California. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Anonymous Bus Driver

Kidde Hero of the Week: Anonymous Bus Driver

A driver saves the lives of two dozen students on her school bus in this week’s Hero story. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Ruby

Kidde Hero of the Week: Ruby

A dog whose life was spared goes on to save other lives, including someone who is close to his own hero. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Chris Stout

Kidde Hero of the Week: Chris Stout

A veteran whose difficult experience adjusting to civilian life inspired him to help fellow vets who are struggling. Have a hero in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Jennifer Fowler

Kidde Hero of the Week: Jennifer Fowler

We spotlight an amazing rescue story that isn’t to be missed in this week’s Hero feature. Have a hero in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Carol Rosenstein

Kidde Hero of the Week: Carol Rosenstein

A woman uses the power of music to help those suffering with dementia. Have a hero in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE

Kidde Hero of the Week: Mindy

Kidde Hero of the Week: Mindy

A father writes in to honor his hard working daughter and the woman she’s become. Have a hero in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as the Kidde Hero of the Week.MORE