Category Archives: What's Happening

Hero of the Week: Carie Broecker

Hero of the Week: Carie Broecker

When an elderly woman could no longer care for her beloved pet, Carie stepped in to help and discovered that the woman wasn’t alone when it came to this issue. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Kathryn Alonso

Hero of the Week: Kathryn Alonso

Service to others is at the heart of those in the military and it’s been inherited by one Coast Guard member’s daughter. We shine a light on her efforts. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Frankie Ferreira

Hero of the Week: Frankie Ferreira

We honor a nine-year-old whose heart for others and battles in the face of muscular dystrophy are a true inspiration. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

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