Category Archives: What's Happening

Hero of the Week: Maddie Pira

Hero of the Week: Maddie Pira

When this high school student heard about kids a world away in need of help, she stepped up to raise funds for food and medical aid. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Juan Martinez

Hero of the Week: Juan Martinez

Keeping nature beautiful for all to enjoy is the goal of one man and his family. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE

Hero of the Week: Kenneth Corbin

Hero of the Week: Kenneth Corbin

When faced with a man carrying a gun on his route, a school bus driver used his active shooter training to diffuse the situation. Have someone who has made a difference in your life? Learn how you can nominate them as our Hero of the Week.MORE